About Extra Dollars

Hey there! My name is Jimmy Dalgleish and welcome to Extra Dollars.

Our mission is to help you put extra dollars in your bank account through methods that we have tried and tested.

We find the latest and most creative ways people are making some extra money on the side and delivery those trips and tricks directly to you.

As founder, editor and king of milking every last dollar out of any situation. I found a real passion for sharing these ideas and strategies with other people and seeing their excitement as those extra dollars hit their bank account.

Having some extra money at hand gives you more freedom and options to take that extra holiday, buy yourself that one thing you have been saving for or spend in any way you desire.

Throughout my time of finding little hacks, tricks and even crazy online jobs to save money I have learned a lot about which ones are worth investing your time in and which ones aren’t.

I am looking forward to sharing all my knowledge and experience with you all to help you with your own financial journey.

If you have any questions or want to share your own tips and tricks please feel free to reach out and send us a message and stay connected with us in our new Facebook Group [Coming Soon]